Remember the Best Bits

Its tough when your buddy finally takes the leap over rainbow bridge. Creating the right memorial in time will bring back the smiles. A reminder of the face licks, tail wags, balls not fetched and squirrels chased. We have ideas from the basic portrait engraved with dates to a long timeline block where you can display your 3D photos from pupster to woofer or just a selection of your favourite shots.

Our 3D glass engravings are timeless. They are constructed from tiny fractures inside which reflect light. Because of this, they will never fade like a normal photo, making the perfect medium for a memorial piece.

What to Include?

We think pet memorials are nice kept fairly simple. Pick your favourite photo and then add something personal that reminds you of the best memories. Maybe a nickname you had for their character or something quirky that makes you smile.

Loved fetch, never actually brought anything back…